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Tojás/spenót/lucullus paradicsom rántotta recept

Kalóriaszegény Kalóriaszegény

A Tojás/spenót/lucullus paradicsom rántotta hozzávalói:

This Recipe Serves 4:

4 eggs
1cup baby spinach leaves
1 tablespoon chopped chives
4 roma tomatoes, halved
1 tablespoon olive oil
Freshly cracked pepper and sea salt

A Tojás/spenót/lucullus paradicsom rántotta elkészítési módja:
Method: Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Place spinach in the bottom of four lightly greased ramekins. Break egg over the top if the spinach. Spinkle each egg with chopped chives. Place roma tomatoes on a tray and drizzle lightly with olive oil, season with salt and pepper and place in oven and roast for 20 minutes. Place egg ramekins in frying pan, with tight fitting lid. Pour boiling water into frying pan to come half way up the sides. Cook for approximately 12 minutes, or until egg yolk is cooked to you\'re liking. Serve eggs immediately with roma tomatoes and your favorite bread.

Kategória: Tojásételek receptjei

A tojás/spenót/lucullus paradicsom rántotta elkészítési módja és hozzávalói.

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