Ki az, aki szívesen angolozna velem? (beszélgetés)
I am lazy nowdays :) Sorry. But I write letters to my penfriends :) I am always tired because of English. I can remembor on this art of tiredness: my brain works hard in English and wants to memorize all of the words and everything.
School? work experience? :)
I learned in grammar school German in higher lessons. I learned English 1,5 year long in the same grammar school, after 1,5 year I made language exam in English (intermediate level), in Germen I made intermediate language exam in the 9. class, and in the 12. class the superlative (?). I studied at the university German-Pedagogic-Faculty of Arts. I qualified as teacher :) I lived in Germany (scholarship) 1 year.
I worked as interpreter in German last year in Germany. I loved it and I think that is that what I could do it for long long time because it is not boring. :) Teaching is hard for me because I am too sensitive and I am empathetical(?) and when I made my practice at school I realized that I can't work with the hughe classes (40 pupils!!) and I am perfectionist. I imagined teaching otherwise: no front teaching, never! it is boring for children and they learn fast nothing in the lesson. But what can I do with 40 pupils? You had to learn about the different methodes :) and I prefered (and I prefer now, too) the team works and mosaic methode, and 45 minutes is nothing. Maybe in a waldorf school could I teach but what in the traditional school I see I can't agree with these things, methodes. And in German class I had 25 pupils, in Hungarian lessons 40 pupils!!! Unbelievable! I can't bear the responsibility that the kids can't learn what I want teach them because I must follow the curriculum... And I hate front teaching in primary or secondary school because it is effective in no way/least of all . At the university it is okay, at university I can imagine myself as a teacher but it is called lecture :)
Have a nice day :)
I know my English is still elementary but I am happy that I can write about my experiences and express my opinion :)
Now, Here I am, I had a call :)
So I lived as child in a detached house, now I share with my boyfriend a flat. So I live in a block of flats, but it was build from brick (nem az a panelház, na:) )
I prefer living in a house because of my childhood-experience :) I love the big garden, with trees and flowers and vegetables. :) The fresh air and the quiteness :) I don't like to live in city, but there is the real life: workplaces, culture life, night life, parties, big shops and the traffic is better than in the country.
I live in a 1,5 flat too. I don't like it, we wanted with my boyfriend a house with a medium-sized garden, but it is really expensive...We are near to the city centre, it's good, but nights t is too loud.
The bus stop and the tram stop is in 1 minute or 2 minutes, for this stops is it so loud...but if I hurry, it is good, that the stops are so near to us.
I learned nice words, like semi-detached house :) or gas cooker :) front door, entrance door, trapdoor, shelf, bookshelf, shelves in plural, roof, brick, pick, shower, bath sponge, tap, tower, .... :)
Our flat:
It is small, 42 m2, If you enter, you are in the floor, on the rigt side is the big room, aou living room, in the living room there are a wall-unit, only with books, Is that so a wall-unit bookshelf? We have more than 1000 books. We have a television, but we never use it, we don't see shows or series in the TV, we don't have also cabel TV.... Now I am writing from our living room, from my table, I am sitting near to the window, it's rain...
From the floor you can enter in the small room, there is our double bed with bedside table, on my bedside table are some books and copied papers and a light (?). Left side from the floor you can go in the kitchen or in the bathroom. :) We have in the bathroom washing machine, tap, toilet, bathtub, a big (2 m) mirror. In the kitchen: what in other kitchen can you see :):)
Hi mandulamacska2,
I read twice the words of living, but I remembered on them, so I write about home, living now :)
moment, I come back in a few minutes.
Congratulations for the first interview! You must have been great! I hope the next one will be successful, too.
As for the topic, you can learn about types of place of living, living in the city or in the country: advantages, disadvantages. Do you prefer living in a flat or in a house?
I live in a 1,5-room flat in a housing estate of Pécs. I would love to live in a house but not so far from the city as the workplaces are mostly in cities. In addition, in the city there are better schools, more entertainment possibilities and the quality of health care is much better as well. I like living in our flat either because it is near to the bus stop so I can get to the centre quickly. The only problem is that we have central heating and it is quite expensive (especially in the winter). Now that it is summer, it is hot, too. Fortunately, according to the weather forecast, from tomorrow on it will be better. So you can learn.
Have a good weekend and good luck for the next interview.:)))
Thanks! Big letter is capital. hm :) I wrote it in my self-made dictionary. :)
Imagine, I was today on an interview and it went well! I had to translate from Hungarian in English and reverse, and I passed it! :)
Next Monday I have the next part of the interview. I hope that I can do/make the situation-exercise (?).
What about topics? Hm. I am ashamed because I have not so many time, but I write almost every time letters for/to my penfriends.
The next topic is home, where I live.
At the weekend I hope I will have time for it. I must have! :)
the weather is really hot, I can't stand it. Today we had a few minutes shower. I need more rainy days if I want to learn :)
Hello Johannia,
You write both languages and nationalities with capitals (=big letters): English, Polish girl, English language, England.
That's a great idea to have penfriends, you are really enthusiastic. Don't be disappointed, if you learn more, you will be more successful. Which topic have you studyied about recently?
Have a nice day,
I know it, I never give up! :) I try it later if I am certain of my English knowledge again.
I had last week a great idea and I searched pen-friends from all over the world :) Now I have a swedish boy, a polish girl and a polish boy as pen-friends:)
I learn every day more and more with practicing english.
After the interview I was really sad and disappointed in me. I was lazy to start learning english earlier, many month ago, but this dismiss helped me and you of course, too :)
I hope you have notion to write here in english :)
I have one question to english grammar :)
If I speak about english people or about the language: how I should write english? Which is written with small and which is written with big letter?
Thank you :)
Hello Johannia,
Don't be disappointed. I hope they will choose you. Could you give advice in the situation task? You must have been nervous because of the interview, that also may decrease how you achieve in an interview. Just go on with studying and practice speaking with your boyfriend.
today was my interview. I thought that I must talk in English. My English was awful :( But the people were really nice.
I didn't know basic words in the situational exercise... I would needed more time for repeating words before the interview...
The situation was about solving problem: my friends fridge doesn't work and I must give him ideas what he need do with the fridge...
Introducing was in German, that was OK, but the situation in English... :(
But I don't give up, I learn forward English and I try it after two month again.... Writing is easier than talking because of passive vocabulary and I have more time thinking about words than in an oral exam or interview...
So, I learn forward the words and I read and I write here to you :)
I get the answer about the interview on Friday...
I might recommand you some very useful and entertaining online English lessons. They're based on pop songs and totally free. But it is not allowed here, so if you are interested, contact me: mester.a(at)citromail(dot)hu
No problem. Reading is also useful. As for me, my weekend was OK. We didn't do a lot, we had a rest and we visited my parents and my husband's parents on Sunday. And you? How did you spend your weekend?
Good luck for tomorrow.
Hi, I didn't have time to write you. I was really busy at the weekend in a good and enjoyable way :)
I didn't learn new words, I read them only. I do it today, I must do it because next day I have the interview!
How are you? Was your weekend good?
Köszi :)
Hú és nagyon hálás vagyok a fáradozásodért is, hogy kijavítod a hibáimat. Végülis a lényeg, hogy értsenek és érthető legyek. A nyelvtan csak nekem fontos, kicsit perfekcionalista vagyok ilyen téren, meg szeretném megtisztelni azt a nyelvet és kultúrát azzal, hogy megpróbálom a lehető legjobban=helyesen mondani, amit szeretnék. Németben is sokszor mondok félre dolgokat, de azt magamban konstatálom is egyből, hogy nem mondtam helyesen. Van, amikor kijavítom magam, van amikor nem, függ a szituációtól is :)
Today I go out with my friends. We meet soon: at 8 o'clock , tomorrow I go to the beach with "the small family" :)
I hope you have a nice weekend :)
I'm coming back in the weekend some time (?).
Hi Johannia,
I'm glad to hear that you find my help useful. You seem to be quite motivated. I try to correct your mistakes again, so you can learn from them.
1. there are more things in that book than in the "20 but one". You use "thing" in the plural forme, therefore you should your "there are" instead of "there is" and the word order is subject (alany)+verb (ige)+object (tárgy). with something is correct.
3. my characteristics are the following: I am .....
4."Family and friends are the most important things in my life". This is the correct word order.
5. When you say that you like some kind of hobby, use the verb +-ing form after 'like': like doing something. First you used it appropriately: I like taking trips, but after it you use "go" and "ride" with the "dictionary form. I like going to the mountains, riding on my bycicle.
6. If you want to express your emotions or state, after 'feel' don't use 'myself'. The correct form is: I feel well, I feel good, I feel satisfied.Sometimes I am lazy.
7.control instead of controll
8. I need it in life. I need English for my job.
9. the comparative form of bad is "worse". Earlier it was worse.
10. "I make notes" instead of "notice". notes-jegyzetek, to notice=észrevenni. "schedule"
11. is not a problem instead of "is not matter for me"
12. I don't like Hungarian accent and I don't like my accent either.
13. The best would be living in England for a year.
14. on Saturday instead of at
15. my boyfriend's niece-the possessive pronoun is written with an apostrophe. She is the queen of water. Before "water" you don't have to use "the".
16. beach=strand, tengerpart; bath=fürdő
Don't be disappointed because of the mistakes, I just corrected them so that you can learn grammar, too. Your introduction was a nice job.
You help me a lot, I am really thankful (márha ezt így mondják).
I love read your answers because you write so good in English and in your sentences I always find useful expressions and words:)
I learned English in the secondary school for 2 years, every week we had 6 English lessons, I do language exam after 1,5 year, and after it and at the University I didn't care about English. This spring I got my degree. 6 year without English.... Hm... It's not bad after 6 year, but I don't want to be conceited just I want to find my self-confidence :$
thank you once again :) you are really nice! :) Have a good day! :)
I like foreign languages and cultures and I didn't think that I can so much write in English
that I can write so much in English
Here I am but I have to do lot of things every day.
I have now the 1000 questions 1000 answers with pronunciation of the words. There is in that book more things than in the 20 but 1. :)
Yesterday I dealed with appearance and personal qualities/characteristic. (foglalkozni vmivel? deal with sg? vagy van rá más?)
Now I can introduce myself, my characteristic, too :)
I am tall and slim, my face is oval and freckled :D, I have a long blond hair and it is a bit wavy. In this hot weather I like the shoulder-length hair. About my personal qualities: The most important things are the family and the friends in my life, so I am really sociable, I always need people around me. I am talkative, communication is part of my life. I am hard-working, reliable, patient and helpful. I am energetic: I like taking trips, go to the montains, ride a bycicle(?). I want to feel that I am useful and helpful in the work. If I feel it, I work busy and eager (lelkes?) and of course I feel me/myself good and satisfied. About negative characteristic I can say that I am sometimes lazy, I always need motivation to do my thing. You can see it too, without controll I wouldn't practice English in spite of that I need in the life, in the work English. The next negative characteristic is my disorganize. Earlier it was badder, but my last job teached me how important it is. Since that time I make notice and shedule :)
I like foreign languages and cultures and I didn't think that I can so much write in English :)
Thank you for the "story". I don't have self-confidence in English because last year I had a telephone-interview and I didn't understand the questions about school :( But!! In the life when I meet foreign people/foreigners talking and understanding is not matter for me (body language is very useful:) ). Maybe Hungarian English is difficult for me. I don't know...but I don't like the Hungarian accent because I often can't understand it, also my accent don't like...The best would be living for a year in England :) That is only a dream or living in a society where we talk together English :)
Today I learn the school, next day living and job, but at Saturday we go to the beach with my boyfriend and my boyfriends niece. His niece is only 8 and she is the queen of the water :)
igazából strandra megyünk, de azt bathnak hívják vagy hogy?
in my opinion the main thing just keep talking...and they won't have chance to confuse you, keep asking questions. i agree with mandulacska you don't have to push the grammar, just make sure ou have got enough words in your mind.
maybe both of you will laugh but another thing helped me a lot to put subtitle on eery movie. if you can get from somewhere for example FRIENDS. It has a quite understandable english. I just can't believe how different the english what I've learned in Hungary and what I really use. Even their tone of their voice.
I know (and this is drives me crazy) you can't appear on the interview and tell them: listen, maybe my englis is not perfect but nor english's people. The expectations in Hungary is quite big. Probably 10 out 8 english would fail on our english exam and I am not joking.
The reason why I wrote down this little "story" for you because I would like if you have confident with yourself on the interview, practising and everythng will be ok!!!
Good luck to you and keep in touch...let us know what happened!!
További ajánlott fórumok:
- Ha tudok szívesen segítek, aki fogyni szeretne, lehet másnak is bejön ami nekem.
- Boxer kutyások, akik szívesen cserélnének véleményt, történeteket. stbbbb:):)
- Scoopfree automata macskaalom. Ismeri valaki? Esetleg használja ia? Minden véleményt szívesen veszek.
- Van itt olyan, aki szeret írni és szívesen felvenné velem a kapcsolatot?
- Témák biológia szakkörre. Minden véleményt, ötletet szívesen fogadok!
- Van olyan lány, aki Budapesten a Blaha környékén lakik és szívesen sportolna velem hetente legalább 3-4-szer akármit? Mert társaságban jobb