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Angolul beszélgetnék (beszélgetés)

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2013. aug. 5. 13:01
Hey, I also study English. I would like to talk to somebody in English in order to improve my speaking skills. :)
92. o.andi
2012. okt. 17. 20:49
hello girls?I'm studyng english:))
91. jimmy74 (válaszként erre: 90. - 342402de6d)
2012. júl. 17. 09:36
Hi cherry coke! What gives?
2012. júl. 15. 10:23
Me of us one?
2012. jún. 15. 11:29
I am also here to use and keep up my English! After seeing that there are some people here liking rock music I got in a good mood. My favourite are Metallica,AC/DC,Am I blood(this last sounds like Heatfield's early voice),although I am interested in all of good rock music.I work as a lorry driver doing my work in the countries of Europa. It would be fine for me,if I was able to get touch members of this forum. Actually I am taking a break in my work,because of getting bored and fed up with it. I started learning English six years ago and have been using it since that time. We can talk about not only rock,but everything you would like. KEEP SMILE!
88. 72542cb970 (válaszként erre: 87. - Mociscsaj)
2012. jan. 30. 22:21

Hi there

Well I DO love live here..You right the accent pretty horrible but I kind of use to it:-)Once happened to me we were sitting in the coffee shop with a bunch of people and some girl was talking..As I was only foreign I asked my irish friend who sat next to me Wtf is she talking about??Thought Im the only

one who has no clue..He turned to me and whispered to my ear:I dont have a f..n clue..She is from Cork I dont understand a word..The people from Cork has a horrible accent though..

I couldnt stop laughing:-)

Sometimes I watching my own child I asking myself where this accent coming from??I mean Im saying szkaj (sky) she is saying szkoj..As my friend keep saying they both have a posh accent..I guess is coming from my lovely strong hungarian accent Dad has slovakian accent and we talking english at home as he doesnt understand a word in hungarian...But he loves australian and scottish accent:-)

Ireland is a beautiful country we planning to go this summer to the countryside for few days with a kids..

Jesus I wrote a book...Sorry..

Althought only wish to mention Im soooo gridy for your trip in Tasmania..My partner's favourite the tasmanian devil..I saw pictures and watched few documenturies about Australia Tasmania New Zealand..I personally think you are very lucky to live there...

2012. jan. 28. 08:40

Sorry guys, I forgot to pop in here... na ja, how do you like living in Ireland? I have not been to Ireland as yet but from photos it looks very pretty, especially the countryside.

It is not easy to settle into a different culture, especially when you have to start learning the language as well, so I feel for you. You are doing well to be able to understand everything, I struggle with the Irish accent, I have to listen very carefully to catch what they are saying. LOL

There are lots of spiders in Australia but I don't think there are more than in any other countries. I am not particularly scared of them, although there are some very scary looking ones, those ones we stay away from. :)

We travel as much around Australia as we can- limited by out annual leave of course.Later this year we are planning a 7week trip up North.We are planning to cover about 11000km in that time. We love camping and recently came back from a 4wheel- driving trip in Tasmania. We saw some magnificent sights and had lots of fun and adventure.

Tell us some more about yourself, you too Sandman. :)

86. 72542cb970 (válaszként erre: 81. - Mociscsaj)
2012. jan. 23. 12:00

Well I'm living in Ireland..My situation as same as yours..I do have my partner and we have a 3 years old twins:-)My partner younger than me by 12 years so we have kind of special situation in life..Im 40 he is only 28 years old and we are together since 2008..

There is lots of changes in this country the last couple of years but still i do feel its my home..The people are very different and the country is beatiful..(except the weather but I kind a use to it..Lots of rain wind etc)

I dont know so much about Australia:-(Except there is lots of spiders and I've arachnophobia:-(

But when I watched the pictures what my friend showed me I couldnt even find words how beautiful this country is..And the culture is so unique for me..

I came to Ireland 6 years ago with very little english and now I dont have a problem understand people or talk still have to learn a LOT..So sorry about my grammar:-)

85. 03e8385f6c (válaszként erre: 84. - Mociscsaj)
2012. jan. 23. 06:56

Tooth fairy is from the film, based on the novel of Thomas Harris The red dragon. The first book about Hannibal Lecter's adventures.

AC/DC in the english sleng means bisex...Angus Young isn't - I think:)a Gibson SG guitar is so masculine, but these shorts looks damning evidence:)

Mel Gibson, Simon Baker and Indiana Evans also Aussie:) - I'd prefer the last one:)

I live 50 km from the capital in Pest coiunty - no wife and no children.Freeeeeeeeeeeeeedooooooom:)

2012. jan. 22. 12:13

Haha I know what u meant by fairy! My tooth fairy comment was just a joke. Anyway, it was worth a try, in case you knew how to attach the vid. :)

By the way, AC/DC is an Aussie band, so don't knock it, bisexual or not! :))) They are still the greatest Aussie icons, besided Crocodile Dundee LOL (that's a joke too).

So where do you live and what do you do for a living, Sandman?

Do you have a wife, kids?

83. 03e8385f6c (válaszként erre: 82. - Mociscsaj)
2012. jan. 22. 06:46

Fairy - I've heard that in Bristol - means gay or AC/DC:)But the last is bisex, not straight fairy...

I'm general hetero type - wihout backdoor on my bottom:)

Video? Afraid not...Maybe if U put a youtube(or any video share) link, that's clear as mud:)

82. mociscsaj (válaszként erre: 80. - 03e8385f6c)
2012. jan. 22. 01:58
Hahaha Sandman! Not even the tooth-fairy???? You could be of service to me by telling me how to attach a video here. Cheers!
81. mociscsaj (válaszként erre: 79. - 72542cb970)
2012. jan. 22. 01:57
Hello Na Ja, not sure what I could tell you. Yes I do have my immediate family here, although my extended family (brother, sister, my mum etc) are all in Hungary. I love the casual, laid-back lifesyle in Australia. Whilst there is obviously stress in everyday life, people are largely relaxed and non-judgemental. There are always the exceptions like everywhere else of course. I have travelled a lot around Australia and the scenery, flora and fauna is just amazing. I love the Outback ( remote, sparsely populated areas of Aus), sleeping under the stars in just a swag is the most magnificent experience! I guess I should stop here, I could write a novel, but maybe ask some more specific questions and tell us about yourself too. :)
80. 03e8385f6c (válaszként erre: 75. - Mociscsaj)
2012. jan. 21. 13:48
Any:) services...but not a fairy, be sure (o.t.)
79. 72542cb970 (válaszként erre: 73. - Mociscsaj)
2012. jan. 21. 12:50

Hi Mociscsaj

Im very suprised to find someone here who actually lives in Australia so long time..Have you got a family overthere?The friend of mine had a holiday 2 years ago in New Zealand and Australia he was amazed by the country by people by EVERYTHING..Could you tell us a bit more about the country about yourself please??

2012. jan. 21. 12:25
Oops, sorry! Was hoping to attach the video itself but clearly I am not doing it right. Never mind!
2012. jan. 21. 12:24
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/2ooEBJySwac" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
76. mociscsaj (válaszként erre: 74. - 03e8385f6c)
2012. jan. 21. 12:22

How much does this rock Sandman? :))))


75. mociscsaj (válaszként erre: 74. - 03e8385f6c)
2012. jan. 21. 12:15

How about the Metallica song: Enter Sandman :}

"Say your prayers little one

Don't forget my son

To include everyone

I tuck you in

Warm within

Keep you free from sin

'Til the sandman he comes"

So what what type of service are you of to everyone, Sandman?

74. 03e8385f6c (válaszként erre: 72. - Mociscsaj)
2012. jan. 21. 10:22

Sandman's back again:)and hes's service of everybody:)

Both of the users(loosers)says Sandman is a man made of sand, but...settle these diffs!

Sandman is a figure in a comic book - the original name was from Hoffmann's book, named Der Sandmann

Warm regards!


73. mociscsaj (válaszként erre: 71. - 97f33311ff)
2012. jan. 20. 22:36

Hi Mirus85. Happy to chat...

Might as well introduce myself. I live in Melbourne, in Australia. Have lived here for about 25years, so I have been largely "aussified" by now :))))))

I love Australia for many reasons and consider it my home- sorry this might upset some people, but this is the truth.

Hope to have the chance to chat with some others.

72. mociscsaj (válaszként erre: 70. - 03e8385f6c)
2012. jan. 20. 22:30
Hey Sandman, sorry I got so sick of monitoring this topic and not finding anybody replying that I stopped looking. :) Welcome Sandman. Hope you keep coming back.
2012. jan. 18. 20:51
Sziasztok! De jó, hogy megtaláltam ezt a topicot, már majdnem mékeltem új témát létrehozni. Én még a főiskolás korszakomban letettem a nyelvvizsgát (angol közép "C"), de azóta nem nagyon használtam. (néhány angol nyelvű programnál, külföldi weboldalaknál, meg játékoknál persze tudtam)..így arra gondoltam, hogy jó lenne ismét angolozni, így szívesen beszélgetnék valakivel akár priviben, vagy msn-en:)
2012. jan. 18. 16:38
Hmmm...I've closed a topic...again:)
69. 03e8385f6c (válaszként erre: 68. - Mociscsaj)
2012. jan. 18. 12:31

I gues, still nobody brave enough to answer. Except me...

Well! Enter Sandman:)

Warm regards

2012. jan. 15. 11:15
Isn't anyone interested in this forum any more? Come on people!:D
2011. dec. 25. 12:54
Or move to Australia! :D
2011. dec. 25. 08:35
wanna learn English? get an English boyfriend lol
2011. dec. 25. 05:00
Hi all, Merry Christmas to one and all. How is your Christmas shaping up? Are having a nice time? Did you get some good presents? What did you eat for Christmas dinner / lunch? How is your Christmas tree this year? Is it as nice as it was last year? Do you buy a real tree each year or do you have an artificial tree that "comes out"each year? Come on let's talk about real stuff! Just answer any or all of the above questions! :D
64. 9837f4911c (válaszként erre: 10. - Abigél)
2011. dec. 25. 03:39

Hi Abigel!

I didn't find the "The weakest link" tv show with hungarian sub.

Could you send me the links for me,please?Thank you!

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