Angol szövegű idézetet keresek keresztelőre. (beszélgetés)
Nincs mit!
Szép estét neked is
Nagyon szepen koszonom,nagyon szepek.
Szep estet kivanok.
You have come into the world so tiny,
Yet with such great promise for the future.
Before you were even born,
God planned wonderful things for you.
As you are baptised,
May you feel His love
And the love of those around you,
And may you always follow in His way.
Baptism Poem 6
Welcome, precious little child,
So fresh from God above,
Baptised today in Jesus’ name,
Held in His arms of love.
May angels guide your tiny feet
And bring you smiles to wear,
And may our Heavenly Father
Always keep you in His care.
May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Ha beírod a googleba,hogy angol idézetek nagyon sok oldalt találsz.
Nem bántásból mondom csak ott jobban tudsz válogatni,van sok szép én is ott szoktam nézegetni.
További ajánlott fórumok:
- Létezik hogy a pap megtagadja a keresztelést?
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- Egy idézetet kellene angolra lefordítanom.Tudna valaki segíteni?