Vigyázz, ha eladás/kiadásra hirdeted a házad, nehogy egy csaló áldozata legyél... (beszélgetés)
A küldött szöveg ez volt:
I am really sorry for my late response to the email on your property.I have read the details
of your property and my interest is urgent.I am ready to pay for it once we come in agreement
and i want to believe you are trustworthy and would help me in this situation.
My name is Dr Dhakiy Ghazwan,a Medical Doctor and also a member of the Red cross,I am from Syria.
I contacted you because of the several sanctions imposed on my country Syria which prevents us from
securing our financial and bank transactions here.
I want you to know that i have the sum of $3.6 million US Dollars which i got from my late brother
Qasim Ghazwan who was killed in the Al Omari Massacre.He was a very successful businessman dealing on
Gold dust/bars before his death.This war in my country have reshaped my future and i want to move to a
place that is safer so i can buy a property and also invest and so during my search i came across your property
and the price and location is good for me.If we come to a concrete agreement i will send
the money to you for safe keeping.I already deposited it with the Red cross here in Aleppo and if you are
reliable and i can trust you 100% i will send it to you through diplomatic courier service which is very much legal
and safe.
I need to be sure that i can trust you and i pray you are a good person and God fearing and will help me.
I would love to call you on the phone but telephone communications have been disabled due to the war.
We can only communicate through the Red cross communication facilities which only permits me to send emails.
Please, you are in a position to help me settle and start a new life in your country.I believe you can assist
me in this transaction while i prepare to relocate to your country.I promise to compensate you with 20% of my
capital in appreciation for your help after paying for your property and sign the contract with your lawyer as
soon as i arrive in hungary.I want you to know that what matters to me most right now is my life.
I hope to receive your response urgently so i can give you more details about the transfer.
Thank You,
Dr Dhakiy Ghazwan.
Hátha valaki szintén kap egy ilyet, ezért írom ide.
Szép napot nektek!
Mindig ugyanez a séma, külföldön van és orvos. Ezt vagy azt szeretne, és van sok pénze, vagy éppen örökölt 10 millió dollárt tök mindegy, a lényeg mindig az, hogy nem tud hozzáférni a pénzéhez, ezért kéne neki küldeni egy kis pénzt hogy aztán majd jól visszaadhassa ha megkapta a pénzét. :D
Csodálkozom egyébként hogy van olyan aki internetezik és nem fújja ezeket a csalásokat kívülről, elég gyakran lehet róluk olvasni.
Szintén megkaptam ezt a levelet, és nagyon érdekelne, hogy a szórakozáson kívül ("tartsam meg neki a házat az érkezéséig...") mi a haszna lehet ebből?
Van valaki, aki kapcsolatba lépett már vele? - gondolom, talán csak a tréfa kedvéért...
Köszi a bejegyzést!
A hirdetésemre épp most jelentkezett.
Nem tudom, időnként miért nem változtat nevet.
Európában több helyen próbálkozik a következő levéllel egy "úriember". Az interneten több országban is foglalkoznak vele különböző fórumokon. Vigyázzatok vele!
Engem már többször is megtalált.
Angolul írja a következő sablon levelet:
I thank you for your response to my mail on your property listed on which i am interested in,i must really say that i like
your house and i am ready to pay for it. I am contacting you in
confidence hoping that you are a trustworthy person and would also be
helpful to me.
My name is Dr Ghassan Merie Assi,a Medical Doctor by profession and a
member of the Red Cross,i am from Syria.I contacted you because of the
sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union,which
prevent us from securing our financial transaction here.
I have the sum of $8.9 million dollars which i got from my late
brother Ghassan Al-Mahameed,who was killed in the al-Omari Mosque
Massacre.He was a very successful business man dealing on gold
dust/bars before his death.
The ongoing civil unrest in my country,Syria have reshaped my future
and if we come to a concrete agreement i will send the money to you
for safe keeping till i come to Hungary very soon,i will need the
house to live on and that is why i contacted,please help me.
Where i am now we can only communicate through the Red Cross
communication facilities which only permits me to send E-mails and we
can't make phone calls now because no network at bab al salaam area
since it was blocked by the government.
Please if you are interested in this transaction i will give to you
the complete details you need for us to carry out this transaction
successfully.I have a good means of sending the money out of Syria to
Europe with help of a red cross jet that brings relief materials from
I wait for your fast response so i can give you further details upon
hearing from you.Please keep the property for me and consider my
proposal for our mutual benefit.
Dr Ghassan Merie Assi"
További ajánlott fórumok:
- Ha van tetoválásod, ird meg kérlek, mekkora és mennyibe került, lehetsz áldozata is az ezen meggazdagodni vágyóknak!
- Mit szóltok, hogy az egyiptomi tragédia áldozatainak gyűjtést rendeznek?
- Egy gazember áldozatait keressük
- Mit tennél, ha egy kemény iwiw-es átverés áldozata lennél?
- Társkeresés áldozata
- Lopás áldozata lettem...