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Társalogjunk angolul! Angol nyelv gyakorlása (beszélgetés)

2012. ápr. 20. 15:30


Where is everybody?

2012. ápr. 18. 15:03

I've never been skiing :) I love cycling :) But I sold my fiance's bike, so we can't go now, maybe in Summer. I wanna go to gym, but here it's quite expensive for me.

I want to change later, when my condition is better, I would like to run to work.

I'm going now! Have a nice rest of the day!

2012. ápr. 18. 10:38
That's better than nothing! I do excercises every morning (20 minutes) we go running every evening, and we go body building (I cant explain in english better) twice a week. And I like walking, cyckling, but my absolute favourite is: SKIING!
2012. ápr. 17. 16:03
I wanna run but I haven't got partner :( So, I'm just doing exercises at home, and I'm walking to work every evening.
19. judy1974 (válaszként erre: 17. - Prebotka)
2012. ápr. 17. 12:48

Living in Hungary! (at the moment) Thank you for saying girl! I'm a bit older....

Yes, I go running every eveninig with my daughter. I love every kind of moving. We go on Fitbalance in May.

2012. ápr. 14. 14:17
I'm going now, cos I'm hungry, and I need to prepare some sandwich! My man is coming soon!
17. prebotka (válaszként erre: 15. - Judy1974)
2012. ápr. 14. 14:15

Running, u are a good girl! :)

Are u from Hungary or are you living in the UK?

16. prebotka (válaszként erre: 14. - Tuzrozsa)
2012. ápr. 14. 14:13

Jeremy Kyle LOL sometimes me too :D

I'm not very happy in this days! :(

You lives so far from me!

Are u working?

2012. ápr. 13. 19:40

We used to have a topic like this here in hoxa, but it has been finished, unfortunately!

Hi, I'm Judy and would like to join!

Now, I'm going running, but maybe after I'll be here again!

Have a nice evening!

2012. ápr. 13. 19:32

I`m living in the middlelands, in Stoke on trent, for 5 years now, and sometimes i`m watching tv like Jeremy Kyle to keep updated on the new words,


13. 9e5f7e5437 (válaszként erre: 9. - 9b10f3d7ff)
2012. ápr. 13. 18:01
Tenk júú.-))
12. jsanett (válaszként erre: 10. - Prebotka)
2012. ápr. 13. 17:48

How long have you been here (in the UK)?

South England.

11. MsFlower (válaszként erre: 8. - 54840f0fce)
2012. ápr. 13. 17:46
2012. ápr. 13. 17:45

hi guys,

what's up? Where are u living in England? I'm just learning, so sorry about the mistakes!

9. 9b10f3d7ff (válaszként erre: 2. - 9e5f7e5437)
2012. ápr. 13. 17:33
a I (Áj) után nem kell a no.
2012. ápr. 13. 17:29
2012. ápr. 13. 17:28
Congrats!It s a very good idea!:)
6. jsanett (válaszként erre: 5. - Jsanett)
2012. ápr. 13. 17:19

undersatnd = understand

ia = is

5. jsanett (válaszként erre: 1. - Kitty1975)
2012. ápr. 13. 17:18


Your English is pretty good. :)

I undersatnd your struggles but I think the best way to practise is either speak or read a lot.

But your idea ia also good! :)

2012. ápr. 13. 17:13
Hello Kitty! This is a very good idea, lots of people learned english after they just let it go, like i learned russian in the past but i have no any practice opportunity ever since so it was a waste. But now i living in Enlgand, so let`s talk!
2012. ápr. 13. 17:12
But I can see your English is good enough :-)
2012. ápr. 13. 17:12
Szoori !Áj nó dont szpik einglis ..:-(((
2012. ápr. 13. 17:06
I've learned English for a couple of years. Unfortunetly I have no possibilities to pratice the language. My knowledge is rather passive because I just read and I can't draft sentences. Let help each other! Would you?

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