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Angol forum (beszélgetés)

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2011. máj. 9. 18:20


I'm learning englis now, I'n not a beginner, I'd like to practice the english language.

155. a0f3db1df9 (válaszként erre: 147. - 6d7bb5d08f)
2010. nov. 28. 10:10

Hun,it is terrible.I mean your english.

So you can say:ppl can look around while running and running is good for the heart

154. a0f3db1df9 (válaszként erre: 148. - Ancika22)
2010. nov. 28. 10:08
you can say "I'm a liar"
2010. nov. 28. 10:07

Hi lovelies,

whats the news with you?

Sexy chat with someone?Even with horny guys?

2010. ápr. 23. 20:04
no matter, just go on:-)
2010. ápr. 23. 08:09


this was painful.whatever

2010. ápr. 22. 23:05

not hy - but hi :-DD

hi everyone!

2010. ápr. 19. 20:29

Hy everybody!

I would like to connect to you.

I am learning this language, and I would like to practice English grammar.

so, again hy everybody:)

2010. márc. 8. 19:49


i've got a question.. 'őszinte vagy?' ->in english: 'are you honest?'

or if not, how should i say it?

147. 6d7bb5d08f (válaszként erre: 146. - D26dcc4363)
2010. jan. 26. 19:28

Chi kung is a chinese "sport". I can train whit it my energy (chi) and my body.

It's very good. The people can looking around by running (Olyan értelemben, hogy "futásnál" jó a by?) and it's good for their heart.

146. d26dcc4363 (válaszként erre: 145. - 6d7bb5d08f)
2010. jan. 26. 18:53

What is chi kung?

I like running and doing exercises for some dvd, for example RR, Billy Blanks.

145. 6d7bb5d08f (válaszként erre: 144. - D26dcc4363)
2010. jan. 26. 18:50

You're right! :)

Yes, I do. I train for chi kung. And you?

144. d26dcc4363 (válaszként erre: 143. - 6d7bb5d08f)
2010. jan. 26. 18:39

In my oppinion in all seasons are good things :-)

Do you like doing any sports? Which sports?

143. 6d7bb5d08f (válaszként erre: 142. - D26dcc4363)
2010. jan. 26. 16:47
Do you like spring and autumn? :)
142. d26dcc4363 (válaszként erre: 141. - 6d7bb5d08f)
2010. jan. 26. 14:45

here too

I prefer winter to summer, I don't like very hot, but this weather is too cold for me.

141. 6d7bb5d08f (válaszként erre: 140. - D26dcc4363)
2010. jan. 26. 14:19

Oh...we have two dogs, a cat, two parrots. I have a hamster and she's Lili too. :)))

Here it's very cold now. And there? I think that this winter's colder than in last year. I like in summer the 40 degrees centigrad better...

140. d26dcc4363 (válaszként erre: 139. - 6d7bb5d08f)
2010. jan. 25. 20:03

Yes, I have a cat, Lili and our have 3 dogs.

And you?

139. 6d7bb5d08f (válaszként erre: 138. - D26dcc4363)
2010. jan. 25. 16:59

I had german, physics, literature, sport and history today. It's a short school day, but I love it. :)

Do you have any animals?

138. d26dcc4363 (válaszként erre: 137. - 6d7bb5d08f)
2010. jan. 25. 16:21

Such a parfume, what isn"t so quintessential.

I'm fine, thanks.

Which lessons (or what lessons?) did you have today?

137. 6d7bb5d08f (válaszként erre: 136. - D26dcc4363)
2010. jan. 25. 15:50

Thank you, but I have a cold. (<= Itt viszont ki kell tenni a névelőt, ha jól tudom :D ) And you?

EDT? I don't know this flavor, but it's sure good. :)

2010. jan. 25. 15:27

Hi. How are you?

I arrived home for some minutes, the lessons were good, my teacher is cool. Then I went shopping. I bought a EDT. It's delicious flavor.

The Practical english usage book seems good. I'll see it a near bookshop. Thanks this idea.

135. 6d7bb5d08f (válaszként erre: 114. - 07c4794583)
2010. jan. 25. 13:15
Thanks. :)
134. 6d7bb5d08f (válaszként erre: 110. - 07c4794583)
2010. jan. 25. 13:11
Nekem Dohár Péter Kis angol nyelvkönyve van, mint plusz angol könyv, egyébként természetesen a Headwayből dolgozunk órán. Gyakorlásnak pedig az Oxford Angol Nyelvkönyv. Muszáj itthon is sokat gyakorolnom, mert amit órán csinálunk, azt nem nevezik tanulásnak... :P
133. kaaskopje (válaszként erre: 130. - 07c4794583)
2010. jan. 24. 21:16

That's not necessarily a bad thing :) Every nation has its own characteristics. Anyway, I wouldn't mind having a hard headed neighbour if I had a house with a view of the Matterhorn :)

By the way, how long do you live there?

132. 1eb84e4bad (válaszként erre: 129. - Frencsuri)
2010. jan. 24. 20:45

good night for you!

i am also going to bed.

Bye all.

131. 07c4794583 (válaszként erre: 121. - 1eb84e4bad)
2010. jan. 24. 20:37
Yes, and I agree with frencsuri - it is good, but not as good as Michael Swan's book.
130. 07c4794583 (válaszként erre: 119. - Kaaskopje)
2010. jan. 24. 20:36

Humm, the country is beautful - the swiss are a little hard headed, but they are super friendly.

I like it here.

2010. jan. 24. 20:35
My internet is getting worse and worse so I say good night to all of you now!
128. 07c4794583 (válaszként erre: 126. - 3b816157ed)
2010. jan. 24. 20:35

a siker nem megszámlálható

tehát nem "sok sikereket" kíván az ember, hanem sok sikert (egyseszámban)

wish you success simán

127. frencsuri (válaszként erre: 126. - 3b816157ed)
2010. jan. 24. 20:34
Yes, my illness is the same :( It's so terrible that they ( the doctors) can't cure this! There are a lot of couples, they all want to have a baby but this illness says NO for a long time! I hate this. I've never ever thought that I can't have baby at that time when we wanted.
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