Angol forum (beszélgetés)
I'm learning englis now, I'n not a beginner, I'd like to practice the english language.
Hun,it is terrible.I mean your english.
So you can say:ppl can look around while running and running is good for the heart
Hi lovelies,
whats the news with you?
Sexy chat with someone?Even with horny guys?
this was painful.whatever
not hy - but hi :-DD
hi everyone!
Hy everybody!
I would like to connect to you.
I am learning this language, and I would like to practice English grammar.
so, again hy everybody:)
i've got a question.. 'őszinte vagy?' ->in english: 'are you honest?'
or if not, how should i say it?
Chi kung is a chinese "sport". I can train whit it my energy (chi) and my body.
It's very good. The people can looking around by running (Olyan értelemben, hogy "futásnál" jó a by?) and it's good for their heart.
What is chi kung?
I like running and doing exercises for some dvd, for example RR, Billy Blanks.
You're right! :)
Yes, I do. I train for chi kung. And you?
In my oppinion in all seasons are good things :-)
Do you like doing any sports? Which sports?
here too
I prefer winter to summer, I don't like very hot, but this weather is too cold for me.
Oh...we have two dogs, a cat, two parrots. I have a hamster and she's Lili too. :)))
Here it's very cold now. And there? I think that this winter's colder than in last year. I like in summer the 40 degrees centigrad better...
Yes, I have a cat, Lili and our have 3 dogs.
And you?
I had german, physics, literature, sport and history today. It's a short school day, but I love it. :)
Do you have any animals?
Such a parfume, what isn"t so quintessential.
I'm fine, thanks.
Which lessons (or what lessons?) did you have today?
Thank you, but I have a cold. (<= Itt viszont ki kell tenni a névelőt, ha jól tudom :D ) And you?
EDT? I don't know this flavor, but it's sure good. :)
Hi. How are you?
I arrived home for some minutes, the lessons were good, my teacher is cool. Then I went shopping. I bought a EDT. It's delicious flavor.
The Practical english usage book seems good. I'll see it a near bookshop. Thanks this idea.
That's not necessarily a bad thing :) Every nation has its own characteristics. Anyway, I wouldn't mind having a hard headed neighbour if I had a house with a view of the Matterhorn :)
By the way, how long do you live there?
good night for you!
i am also going to bed.
Bye all.
Humm, the country is beautful - the swiss are a little hard headed, but they are super friendly.
I like it here.
a siker nem megszámlálható
tehát nem "sok sikereket" kíván az ember, hanem sok sikert (egyseszámban)
wish you success simán
További ajánlott fórumok:
- "Csak beköszönök" fórum
- Hülye kérdések fóruma, csak pihenteknek!!! :- D
- Titkos fórum;)-Kedvenc Kismamáimnak;)
- Fogyni gyorsan kínzó éhség nélkül. . .?! Régi sikeres fórum-új köntösben. Ha szeretnéd tudni a titkot, csatlakozz, segítünk.
- Koronavírus fórum
- Tudtok nekem a Hoxához hasonló angol nyelvű fórumot ajánlani?